Hello from Ploërmel, and more particularly from La Touche High School where a Session of Community Superiors is taking place, from July 15th to August 14th, 2023.
The Animation Team, which had arrived a few days earlier, is complete: Bro. Géniaud Lauture (Provincial of Haiti), Team Coordinator, Bro. Vincent Ssekate (General Assistant), Bro. Casio Aïzire (Provincial of Uganda-South Sudan), Bro. Jean-Baptiste Ndiaye (Visitor of West Africa) and Bro. Hervé Asse (Secretary General).

Partial view of the Assembly in the amphitheatre of LaTouche
At the beginning of the Session, altogether we were: 23 Brothers: 5 Brothers from Uganda and South Sudan: Brothers Vincent BARIGYE, Achilleo KIWANUKA, John Bosco SSENKABIRWA, Innocent TWINOMUGISHA, and Martin WANAMBWA; one Brother from Tanzania: Bro. Protas MANGU; one Brother from Rwanda, Bro. Fulgence TURIKUMWE; A Togolese Brother from Senegal, Br. Alexis KOMBATE; 2 Brothers from Haiti, Brothers Jerry JEAN PIERRE and Vilson LAUTURE; a Brother from the Philippines, Br. Mamerto GAUGANO; a Brother from Polynesia, Bro. Xavier FROGIER; a Brother from Spain, Bro. Óscar RUIZ; a Brother from Argentina, Bro. Claudio CONTERAS; and 2 Brothers from France, Brothers Régis LEFRERE and Alain JOSSELIN; we also have two Translators, Brothers Daniel GAUTIER and Onesimus MUTAKIRWA.
Unfortunately, some have had problems obtaining a Visa, or had to remain in their Province or District for health reasons or due to the Exams period. We are still waiting for our two Confreres from Congo DRC, who have not yet obtained their Visas. We sincerely hope that they can join the Session Community at La Touche, enriching its Internationality even more! The representatives of the Provinces and Districts present in Ploërmel indeed represent 23 Countries of the Congregation and are of 11 different Nationalities.

Warm welcome and with “dosage” at the Mother House
The day after the arrival of July 15th, we all joined the Parish of Ploërmel for the Sunday Eucharist, then we were warmly welcomed by the Community of the Mother House; the afternoon was devoted to a Pilgrimage within the Mother House, with the presence of Brothers of the Community for the visit of the property, the Museum, the Chapel, the Clock: A First Highlight ” at the Sources of the Congregation”.

Knowledge and fraternal recognition!
On Monday 17th, began the Work of Reflection and Exchanges around the Mission of the Superiors of the Communities: The Superior of the Community, “called”, “to present his Brothers” and “soul of the Community.
Another beautiful Meeting: Indeed at La Touche we are not alone: currently 3 Groups including ours coexist … in harmony: a large group of Young Musicians in Training, in rehearsal … (Soft Music … and everywhere!) and a group of children in the Estival Camp (Mennaisian Association of Holiday Centers): for these young people it was a wonderful Meeting of 23 Brothers, from all Countries and of all Colors… they were very curious about the Vocation of Brother! And we were Ourselves very happy with this Meeting.

Meeting with the children of an Estival Youth Camp
While the heat wave seems to reign almost everywhere in France, at La Touche we benefit from rather very temperate and even cool weather! Secessionists therefore do not suffer from heat, if not from Brotherly warmth!
Next News will follow
Bro Hervé ASSE